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Infrastructure Management Platform

2023-08-21 10:03
Platform for managing infrastructures of electric charging stations

The platform is designed to manage all stages of the process of operating electric charging station (ECS) infrastructures and providing electric vehicle charging services at EPSs.

Scope of the Platform

formation of a distributed network of electric filling stations under the control of a single Platform, ensuring consolidated accounting of the resources consumed, funds received and mutual settlements carried out by the Platform and differentiated by EPS;
provision of EPS services belonging to various legal entities and individuals to end consumers - owners of electric vehicles through a single unified interface.


The program was developed on the basis of a platform for monitoring, diagnostics, forecasting, and management of the operation of electrical equipment and power supply systems of distributed infrastructure facilities of JSC FESKOM.

Main functionality:

partner and client management;
connection of EZS equipment via OCPP 1.5, 1.6, 2.0.1 protocol,
monitoring the condition of EPS equipment,
EPS management,
EZS reporting and statistics,
EPS roaming,
EPS load balancing,
price-dependent control of charge profiles,
tariff management and billing,
management of loyalty programs and promotional codes,
management of additional services (for example, parking, vending),
client mobile application.

The cost of this software is calculated individually. To receive a calculation, please contact us at

Instructions for installing software

Documentation required for operating the software